
  • Getting Compensated For Lost Wages In A Personal Injury Case

    If you've been injured in a car accident, you are likely expecting the insurance company to take care of your medical bills and get you back on the road, but don't forget about your lost wages. The time you spent away from your job is considered a damage, and you may be entitled to be compensated for those funds lost. Read on to find out more about how lost wages are calculated and what to expect from the insurance company. [Read More]

  • 2 Reasons To Hire A DWI Attorney To Assist You

    A DWI charge can be a very frightening thing, mostly because it can lead to all manner of penalties that can end up following you for many years to come. Listed below are two reasons to hire a DWI attorney to help you throughout your case. Provide Effective DWI Defense Strategies One of the most important reasons to hire an attorney that specializes in DWI cases is the fact that he or she will know the most effective defenses to use on your behalf and how to counter a police officer's account that you were driving while impaired. [Read More]

  • How A Domestic Violence Attorney Can Help You

    If you are attempting to leave, or have just left, an abusive situation with your children, you need to contact a attorney who specifically works in the field of domestic violence. They can do a variety of things that will help you get out of the situation that you are currently dealing with.  #1 Protective Order The first thing that you need to do in order to protect your children and yourself from your abuser is obtain a restraining or protective order. [Read More]

  • 3 Mistakes To Avoid While Going Through A Divorce

    Going through a divorce can be very stressful. Even if the divorce is a good thing for your personal and emotional health, it is still a stressful process to complete the divorce. However, many people make the divorce process worse by making critical mistakes. Here are some mistakes you should avoid making while getting a divorce. 1. Avoid Leaving The Property Until You Have A Formal Separation Agreement It is not uncommon for couples that are struggling in their marriage to separate. [Read More]

  • Three Tips To Pursue If Your Personal Injury Claim Is Delayed

    If you have been injured on someone else's property, you have the right to seek out compensation for your injuries. The good news is, that most commercial and private owners have insurance that is set in place to cover these types of injuries. The bad new is, sometimes payouts can feel extremely delayed. If you are worried that your personal injury claim is going nowhere, here are three options to consider. [Read More]

  • Surprising Facts About Bankruptcy You Need To Know

    A Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you pay off some debts and get rid of others. Most people know the basics of a bankruptcy filing, but there are some facts that might surprise you. To ensure you are fully prepared to file for a Chapter 13, here are some things you might not know.  Your Creditors' Best Interests Dictates What You Pay When you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you are required to submit a proposed repayment plan to the court. [Read More]

  • Tips For Making Sure Your Workers Compensation Claim Is Paid

    If you have been injured on the job, there is a good chance that you are eligible for workers compensation. However, many workers compensation companies don't want to pay out and will do everything that they can to resist paying for a claim or reduce the amount of money that they have to pay for it. Here are some tips to make sure that your workers compensation claim goes as smoothly as possible. [Read More]

  • Conditions Of Your Will: Why These Conditions Are Important To Include In Your Estate Planning

    Many wealthy people have a will, and in that will they frequently include certain conditions for the surviving recipients. There are many good reasons for including conditions of inheritance when you are working out your estate planning with your lawyer. Here are a few conditions and ideas to think about when you are planning your will. You Have a Tentative Relationship with One of Your Progeny If your relationship with one or more of your children is tentative at best, and completely on the outside of things at worst, then you may want to include clauses in your will that provide for either of these situations at the time of your death. [Read More]

  • Notes To Take In Advance Of Your First Meeting With A Criminal Attorney

    Being arrested for any type of crime is embarrassing, but having the right criminal law attorney on your side can help you clear your name and get back to living a normal life. If you've decided to hire the attorney over the phone, he or she will likely stress the need for you to supply a copy of your arrest report and any other documentation that you've received that pertains to your arrest when your first legal meeting takes place. [Read More]

  • When You Divorce, Who Gets To Keep The Dog?

    Divorces are certainly simpler when you do not have any kids, but if you do have a dog together, that can add some intricacies to the divorce proceedings. Likely, the both of you have bonded with the dog over the years. He is a part of the family, and neither of you want to leave him behind. Yet, as you proceed through the divorce, a decision will need to be made regarding who gets to keep the dog. [Read More]