
  • Business Owners: Avoid These Three Legal Pitfalls

    Owning a small business is a great way to be your own boss and take part in the American dream. One key aspect of being a business owner is dealing with the various legal issues that arise from being a proprietor of a shop or other type of establishment. This article examines three of the most important legal issues every business owner must keep in mind.  Employees and Liability In certain instances, an owner could be held legally responsible for the actions of an employee. [Read More]

  • FAQs To Guide You In Seeking Compensation For Chest Pain After A Collision

    A forceful impact in a collision can make you slam onto a steering wheel, airbags, or dashboard, hurting your chest. For instance, it could tear or rupture your arteries and veins. You may also suffer injuries to your spleen, kidney, or liver, and they could trigger pain in your chest. Such problems often require expensive tests and treatment to avert complications that could lead to death. But as you seek compensation, don't forget that the wrongdoer's insurer should pay all your medical costs. [Read More]

  • How A Lawyer Can Help You Be An Effective Executor

    When you have been named an executor and must administer an estate, you might be worried about the responsibilities that have been laid at your feet. Being an estate administrator can be very difficult, but as long as you're aware of the common mistakes made during the administration of an estate and are working with a probate attorney, you will be much more likely to succeed as an executor.  Don't Put Off the Process [Read More]

  • The Legal Burden Of Proof In A Workers' Compensation Case: What You Need You Know

    In any legal case, the burden of proof is a critical element. It determines which party in a dispute is responsible for proving their allegations or claims. In a workers' compensation case, the burden of proof is especially important because it can impact the number of benefits you receive. Learn more about the burden of proof and how it affects your case in this guide. What Are the Elements of the Burden of Proof? [Read More]

  • Pursuing Compensation For Your Accident Case

    An accident can cause a person to suffer immense financial losses due to the medical costs that they could face. Unfortunately, a lack of information and general preparedness can result in a person making mistakes that may limit a person's ability to pursue the damage that they have suffered. A Medical Evaluation Should Be Performed As Soon As Possible Following The Accident It is important for accident victims to undergo a medical examination and evaluation as soon as possible following the accident. [Read More]

  • What To Expect When Filing Your Workers' Compensation Claim

    When you become injured at work, you will need to make sure that you are fully compensated for your injuries. Otherwise, you won't be able to pay for your daily expenses and you might find yourself sinking into debt. By telling your employer and starting the workers' compensation claims process, you are entitled to compensation for your injuries. However, you will want to make sure that you follow the right steps by consulting with a workers' compensation lawyer. [Read More]

  • What Does A Probate Attorney Do And Do You Need One?

    If you have recently had a loved one pass away and now find that you are the executor or a beneficiary of their estate, you might wonder if you need a probate attorney. In some cases, it's not necessary to hire a probate attorney if you find that everything with the estate is in order and there is no argument between beneficiaries. In some cases, however, your loved one's estate might be a bit more complicated to settle. [Read More]

  • What Should You Discuss With A Bankruptcy Attorney During Your Initial Meeting?

    Being in debt can seem like a hopeless situation that you cannot overcome on your own, as it tends to continually worsen over time. Compounded interest coupled with additional borrowing not only increases the amount of money that you owe, but you may even start to feel that all assets under your name will be inadequate to clear this insurmountable amount of arrears. Hence, you keep borrowing more money simply to stay afloat. [Read More]

  • What To Know About Dividing Property During A Divorce

    One matter that is very important to settle during a divorce is property division. Chances are that there is a lot of it, and anyone going through a divorce will need to come to an agreement on how it will be fairly divided.  Know That A Written Agreement Is Necessary To Avoid Litigation You are going to need a written agreement as to how property will be divided in a divorce to avoid going to trial. [Read More]

  • Custody Concerns And Investigations

    Under certain circumstances, the custodial rights of a parent can be revoked. If a child is not being properly supervised or is enduring physical or emotional abuse, they could be removed from the home of their guardian and placed with their other birth parent. Some cases require that a preliminary private investigation is conducted. Reasons for Concern A parent who has reason to be concerned may have witnessed inappropriate behavior during occasions when they exchanged their child with the custodial parent. [Read More]