• What Does A Probate Attorney Do And Do You Need One?

    If you have recently had a loved one pass away and now find that you are the executor or a beneficiary of their estate, you might wonder if you need a probate attorney. In some cases, it's not necessary to hire a probate attorney if you find that everything with the estate is in order and there is no argument between beneficiaries. In some cases, however, your loved one's estate might be a bit more complicated to settle. [Read More]

  • What Should You Discuss With A Bankruptcy Attorney During Your Initial Meeting?

    Being in debt can seem like a hopeless situation that you cannot overcome on your own, as it tends to continually worsen over time. Compounded interest coupled with additional borrowing not only increases the amount of money that you owe, but you may even start to feel that all assets under your name will be inadequate to clear this insurmountable amount of arrears. Hence, you keep borrowing more money simply to stay afloat. [Read More]