How To Avoid Being Wrongly Named At Fault For A Car Crash
After a car accident, your insurance company will go through a process of determining fault for a crash. As a part of this process, they will examine the actions of each driver, the police reports, and any statements you and other witnesses have made. If you are determined to be at fault, you and your insurance company will pay for the damage. If the other driver is found to be at fault, they and their insurance company will be financially responsible. [Read More]
6 Wrong Moves That Could Compromise Your Workers' Compensation Case
When you're in the process of filing and defending a workers' compensation claim, every move you make has the potential to impact your claim. You want to make sure you avoid making wrong moves that negatively impact your prospects regarding your claim. The following are six wrong moves to avoid so that you don't compromise your workers' compensation claim: 1. Not keeping all relevant documentation Documentation is important in any kind of court case, including a workers' compensation case. [Read More]
Employee Responsibility For Workers' Compensation
Both employers and employees have a role to play to ensure that employees benefit from workers' compensation. As an employee, here are some of the roles and responsibilities expected of you. Obeying Rules and Regulations You have the responsibility to familiarize yourself with all applicable rules and regulations and follow them to the letter. This includes not only workers' compensation rules and regulations, but also your employer's workplace rules and regulations. [Read More]
Injured In A Truck Accident? What To Know And Do
Trucking accidents are a growing problem in both urban and rural areas. Some of these accidents are caused by unforeseen mechanical failures of one or more vehicles or by weather conditions, such as high winds, ice, or snow. Many other accidents, however, are caused by wholly preventable causes, such as driver inattention, driver fatigue, speeding, and making improper lane changes. If you or someone you love has been injured in a trucking accident, here are some important things you should know and do as quickly as possible after the crash. [Read More]
Psychiatric Injury And Workers' Compensation Benefits
Workers' compensation funds are designed to protect employees against financial ruin in the event of a work-related injury. Most people think about workers' compensation in terms of physical injuries, but the potential for work-related activities to cause psychiatric injuries is also present. Proving a psychiatric injury can be a bit more challenging, but you can work with an experienced attorney to help show that your mental health problems stem from work-related activities. [Read More]
Potential Damages In A Spinal Injury Claim
A spinal injury is one of the most devastating injuries you can ever face. This is because the spine protects several organs in the body and also contains important nerve cells. As such, you should ensure your spinal injury claim contains all the possible damages. Below are some of the damages you should consider in your spinal injury claim. Medical Bills Medical bills are usually part of personal injury claims. When it comes to spinal injuries, your treatment will depend on the extent of your injuries and the needed treatments. [Read More]
Limiting Access To Information During Disability Insurance Claim
Disability insurance allows individuals who are no longer able to work to access financial resources that are needed to live. When you signed off on a disability insurance policy, you agreed to provide the insurance company with access to certain types of information during the processing of any claims you might file against the policy. Unfortunately, some insurance companies will request access to a broader scope of information that can be used to mount a case for denial. [Read More]
Non-Physical Illnesses And Social Security Benefits
People who can no longer work at their jobs can face financial hardships. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has a program that addresses that hardship. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is meant to cover those afflicted by an illness that prevents them from performing the job tasks of their most recent job. Some might not know that the SSA recognizes several mental disorders for coverage along with physical ailments. Read on to learn more. [Read More]
Getting Ready For A Trial
If you have been harmed through no fault of your own, you might be entitled to financial compensation. Car accidents, slip and falls, defamation, medical malpractice, and many other situations can prompt you and your attorney to file a lawsuit against those who harmed you. Lawsuits consist of many parts and the pretrial preparations serve several important purposes. Read on to learn how a few of these practices help you prepare for trial and offer you opportunities for a settlement. [Read More]
2 Ways You Can Be Wrongfully Terminated And How A Wrongful Termination Attorney Can Help
If you were wrongfully terminated from your job this can be frustrating and you are likely very angry with your employer. To help you understand this, below are two ways your employer can wrongfully terminate you. You will also find information below on how a wrongful termination attorney can help you in a situation like this. Discrimination One of the most common ways workers are wrongfully terminated is discrimination. This discrimination could be because of your gender, age, disability, religion, or race. [Read More]