
  • Why Legal Recruiting May Be The Career Path For You

    Getting your law degree, passing the bar exam, and going to work in the legal field can be an exciting and rewarding accomplishment. Unfortunately, sometimes you find that working in litigation just isn't what you had imagined it would be. If working as an attorney doesn't suit you the way that you thought it would but you still enjoy the legal field, you might consider becoming a legal recruiter instead. Here's a look at some of the benefits of transitioning to legal recruiting instead of a practicing lawyer. [Read More]

  • Insights On Establishing, Enforcing, And Modifying Child Support Orders

    Family law makes provisions for child support. Court-ordered child support is meant to cater to the child's needs, both basic and otherwise. It is the legal responsibility of a non-custodial parent to pay child support to the custodial parent, and neglecting to do so carries some consequences. Establishing Child Support Talk to a family lawyer about what guidelines to follow when trying to come up with a reasonable child support amount. [Read More]

  • Retaliation Comes In Many Forms

    If you have recently complained about sexual harassment or another serious issue in the workplace, you are in a vulnerable position. You may be opening yourself up to more than unkind words and judgment. In fact, your employer or manager could even take steps to retaliate against you. This is where retaliation attorneys come in. They can spot these very common ways in which retaliation comes into play. Demotions First, you could be demoted. [Read More]

  • Reasons To Let An Estate Planning Lawyer Help You Create A Will

    If you care about your family's future — especially after you pass on — working with an estate planning lawyer when creating a will is important. Their insights on this process can have huge payoffs.  Help You Remember All Relevant Assets  For a will to make a difference after your passing, every asset needs to be highlighted so that it ends up with the right party. Your family may need all the money it can get during a time of grieving, and discovering every asset in your possession can give them financial means to recover. [Read More]

  • Proving Loss Of Self-Employment Income After An Accident

    After an accident that results in injuries, it is common for the victim to miss time from work. With a traditional salary or hourly wage worker, they can generally submit paystubs or other payment records as part of their claim submission to be reimbursed from their time off. However, when the victim is self-employed, the process is not as straight forward.  History of Earnings One of the first hurdles you need to overcome with self-employment income is that you need a history of earnings. [Read More]

  • "How Long Will A Wrongful Death Lawsuit Take?" And Other Questions

    Car accidents, animal attacks, and product defects are all examples of situations that could take someone's life. When an individual loses their life due to negligence, the surviving relatives may be entitled to compensation. These cases are referred to as wrongful death cases. If you are facing a potential wrongful death case with the help of a law firm that handles these unique cases, you probably have a few questions. Here are a few things you may want to know. [Read More]

  • Ex Not Paying Child Support? Know What Steps You Need To Take

    Child support orders are unlike any other divorce provision because they are backed up with both state and federal laws to ensure compliance, identification of parents, and dire consequences for not paying what is owed. If your ex is not obeying court-ordered child support provisions, read on to find out where to turn and what to do. Dependent on the Funds Unfortunately, not all custodial parents have the means to provide food, shelter, clothing, and the medical needs of a child. [Read More]

  • SSDI And Your Recent Work Experience

    Workers who become disabled may be paid benefits using Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). This form of government benefit is linked to your work history. That means how long you have worked and how much income you have earned is part of the evaluation to determine your benefits. Another issue along those same lines can catch some SSDI applicants by surprise. Read on to learn more about the recent work test and how your ability to get benefits can be affected by it. [Read More]

  • Complications That Result From Dog Bites

    If you are bit by a dog, the injury by itself can have a lasting impact and can lead to expensive medical bills. However, if you suffer certain complications from being bit by a dog, you may suffer from even more expensive medical bills and you might experience a lot more pain and suffering. If you suffer from a particular condition due to a dog bite, you will need to speak with a personal injury lawyer as you calculate your damages. [Read More]

  • How Hard Is Getting A Divorce?

    The question of how hard getting a divorce is depends on what you mean by something being difficult. In the sense that American divorce law makes it impossible to avoid divorce if even one party insists there are irreconcilable differences, it's fairly easy. On the other hand, there are other factors that can delay the process and make it harder to sort out. Here's a breakdown of what may cause a divorce to be more or less difficult. [Read More]