Psychiatric Injury And Workers' Compensation Benefits

Posted on: 25 August 2019

Workers' compensation funds are designed to protect employees against financial ruin in the event of a work-related injury. Most people think about workers' compensation in terms of physical injuries, but the potential for work-related activities to cause psychiatric injuries is also present. Proving a psychiatric injury can be a bit more challenging, but you can work with an experienced attorney to help show that your mental health problems stem from work-related activities. [Read More]

Do You Need A Lawyer For Your Recent Tour Ride Injury?

Posted on: 22 July 2019

You went on a tour ride so you could see the sights while you were on vacation. You wanted to take in the world around you and enjoy the leisure ride while meeting new people, but unfortunately, you ended up injured instead. You know that accidents do happen, but now you're facing medical bills, loss of work, and other consequences, and you don't feel you should have to pay for all the expenses of an accident you didn't cause. [Read More]

Potential Damages In A Spinal Injury Claim

Posted on: 24 June 2019

A spinal injury is one of the most devastating injuries you can ever face. This is because the spine protects several organs in the body and also contains important nerve cells. As such, you should ensure your spinal injury claim contains all the possible damages. Below are some of the damages you should consider in your spinal injury claim. Medical Bills Medical bills are usually part of personal injury claims. When it comes to spinal injuries, your treatment will depend on the extent of your injuries and the needed treatments. [Read More]

Been Arrested? 4 Tips To Help Your Attorney Provide You With The Best Defense

Posted on: 19 May 2019

If you're facing criminal charges, the first thing you need to do is hire a criminal defense attorney. You can't afford to attempt self-representation, especially during a criminal trial. There will be an entire prosecution team working to prove your guilt in a court of law. Having your own criminal defense team will help you level out the playing field so that you have a chance of proving your innocence. To make sure you have access to adequate counsel, here are four steps you should follow throughout the process. [Read More]