Getting Compensated For Lost Wages In A Personal Injury Case

Posted on: 31 August 2016

If you've been injured in a car accident, you are likely expecting the insurance company to take care of your medical bills and get you back on the road, but don't forget about your lost wages. The time you spent away from your job is considered a damage, and you may be entitled to be compensated for those funds lost. Read on to find out more about how lost wages are calculated and what to expect from the insurance company. [Read More]

2 Reasons To Hire A DWI Attorney To Assist You

Posted on: 15 August 2016

A DWI charge can be a very frightening thing, mostly because it can lead to all manner of penalties that can end up following you for many years to come. Listed below are two reasons to hire a DWI attorney to help you throughout your case. Provide Effective DWI Defense Strategies One of the most important reasons to hire an attorney that specializes in DWI cases is the fact that he or she will know the most effective defenses to use on your behalf and how to counter a police officer's account that you were driving while impaired. [Read More]

Two Reasons to Hire an Attorney That Specializes in Motorcycle Accidents

Posted on: 29 July 2016

Being involved in a traffic accident can be a scary and difficult process, and the situation can be even worse if you were on a motorcycle when the accident occurred. To make matters even worse, it can be very difficult to get the money that you deserve after being involved in an accident, as there is a common misconception out there that all motorcycle riders are reckless. This can make it harder for you to win your case. [Read More]

How A Domestic Violence Attorney Can Help You

Posted on: 12 July 2016

If you are attempting to leave, or have just left, an abusive situation with your children, you need to contact a attorney who specifically works in the field of domestic violence. They can do a variety of things that will help you get out of the situation that you are currently dealing with.  #1 Protective Order The first thing that you need to do in order to protect your children and yourself from your abuser is obtain a restraining or protective order. [Read More]