5 Things Estate Lawyers Can Help With
Posted on:
17 July 2015
The concept of estate planning is pretty vague to many of us. So how does this type of planning work, and what do estate lawyers help out with? Read on to figure out some of the common ways that estate lawyers help clients to get the most out of the money that they have made.
One way to deal with laws on estate money is through the process of gifting.
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Understanding Divorce And Child Support
Posted on:
25 June 2015
If you are thinking about a divorce or currently going through one, then you have a lot to think about. All of your responsibilities can get pretty confusing and overwhelming, especially when children factor into the equation. To help you out, here's the lowdown on the relationship between divorce, child custody, and child support:
What are the different kinds of child custody?
First, you have sole custody, where a single parent is given exclusive access to the child.
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Workers Compensation And Repetitive Stress Injuries
Posted on:
15 June 2015
Repetitive stress injuries are caused by repeated motions, such as typing or assembly line work. Over time, the muscles, nerves, tendons and ligaments become inflamed and painful. When you injure these areas, you are actually causing tiny tears that are unable to heal because of the continuing use. If you are experiencing the symptoms of repetitive stress injuries, you may be entitled to workers compensation. Read on for more information on getting compensated for these injuries.
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The Do's And Don'ts Of Making A Will
Posted on:
2 June 2015
If you want to make a will that decides what happens to your property after you die, there are some things you should do and others you should avoid. Before you get started, make sure you understand the following do's and don'ts of making a will.
Do: List your property and who will inherit it
One of the first things you will do when making your will is decide what property you want listed in the will and assign that property to someone.
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