Temporary Guardianship: What It Is And When It's Necessary

Posted on: 20 March 2023

Guardianship is a legal process through which a person or organization is granted the authority to make decisions on behalf of another individual, usually a minor or an adult with special needs. There are three primary types of guardianship – limited, general, and temporary – each with its specific purpose and scope of authority. Here's what you need to know about temporary guardianship. Understanding Temporary Guardianship Temporary guardianship is a short-term solution for situations where an individual requires immediate care, supervision, or decision-making assistance. [Read More]

Think Twice Before Agreeing To A Car Accident Settlement

Posted on: 15 February 2023

You are probably owed money after a car accident that was not your fault. However, the amount you are paid can vary from inadequate to acceptable. Many accident victims are not equipped to deal with legal and insurance matters. Read on and find out when you should stop and think twice before you sign an agreement to settle.  Settlement Offers Can be Insulting When you get a lowball offer, don't be offended. [Read More]

Teachers And Workers Compensation: Protect Yourself

Posted on: 16 January 2023

Teachers are the cornerstone of the education system. Their efforts enrich the lives of children and help make them fruitful and prosperous citizens. However, their remarkable efforts sometimes result in on-the-job injuries. While injuries are not commonly associated with teaching, the reality is that they can occur. In the event of an injury, all teachers must know what to do. Document Incident No matter the specifics surrounding the injury, you must document the damage. [Read More]

Taking Action With Black Lung Disease

Posted on: 16 December 2022

Most people know that coal mining is a difficult, dirty, and dangerous job. Workers in the coal industry can fall victim to an insidious lung disorder because of the coal dust. To find out what has been done to ensure that coal miners affected with black lung disease can be compensated, read on. Understanding the Job and the Disease Black lung disease is caused by coal dust. When you work and live in a mining town, black coal dust is everywhere. [Read More]