What Is The Difference Between An Interrogatory And Deposition?

Posted on: 16 March 2015

If you and your car accident lawyer have not been able to settle your claim with the insurance company, a trial is probably imminent.  In preparation for the trial, you could possibly face an interrogatory or deposition. To know what to expect, it is important that you know the difference between the two procedures.  What Is an Interrogatory? An interrogatory is part of the discovery process before the trial. To interrogate a witness or the other driver involved in the accident, your lawyer would send a questionnaire to him or her. [Read More]

Recourse When Your Rights Are Being Violated By A Police Officers On The Road

Posted on: 25 February 2015

When you are on the road and get pulled over, you may be unsure of what your rights are. Some recent civil cases in the news have demonstrated that a person's rights can be abused by a police officer due to an exaggerated desire to find drugs. When the police go too far, the results can be very disturbing. It is important to be aware of things you should comply with, and what things you can object to. [Read More]

Why You May Want To File For Guardianship Rights Of Your Child That Has Disabilities

Posted on: 20 February 2015

If your child with special needs is about to turn 18 years old, you may want to visit a family law attorney to find out if there are legal steps you must take to protect the child. Your family lawyer will most likely suggest filing papers for guardianship rights, and here are three things you may want to know about this. Why it is necessary Filing for legal guardianship is vital if you have a child with special needs because the government will automatically view this child as an adult once he or she reaches the age of 18. [Read More]

3 Things That Are Not Granted By A Power Of Attorney

Posted on: 5 February 2015

If you fear that you may have difficulty in the near future handling your financial affairs due to illness or advanced age, you might wish to think about filling out a financial power of attorney form (POA) and having it notarized. This form - found online or at your local library or at an attorney's office - will grant powers to a person that you trust so that they can handle your financial affairs for you. [Read More]