3 Things You Must Do If Your Social Security Disability Is Denied

Posted on: 7 January 2015

When you are disabled and unable to work, applying for social security disability benefits can help you supplement your income in many ways. If you are approved, that is. As many as 65% of original applications for social security disability are denied, so you should be prepared to not be approved right away. Learn 3 things you should do immediately after getting denied for social security disability so you can have the best chance of getting eventual approval: [Read More]

How A Lawyer Can Help You Sue A Business Owner After A Slip & Fall Incident

Posted on: 5 January 2015

If you suffered embarrassment and an injury after slipping and falling in a store with damaged flooring material, you may be able to sue. A lawyer can help you get paid for the injury so you won't have to pay for treating it on your own. Below, learn how a lawyer can help you sue the owner of the store and how much legal assistance will cost. How Can a Lawyer Help Sue the Owner of a Store After Slipping & Falling? [Read More]

Preparing For A Custody Hearing

Posted on: 30 December 2014

If you are divorced or in the process of getting divorced, the wellbeing of your children will be one of the main points that you will need to focus your attention upon. Many divorces will have a vicious battle when it comes to who will have custody of the children. You will need to prepare in advance to help make your case so that you have a better chance in receiving the results that you desire. [Read More]