Have You Had Children Since Completing Your Will? What To Know

Posted on: 2 November 2016

If you have a will and you have children, getting the will updated regularly is something important that you should do. If you don't have a will, find an estate planning professional as quickly as you can, and let them start to construct a living will for you. There are a lot of things that can happen while you're raising children and as your children get older. When any of these different things happen, contact an attorney. [Read More]

Answers To Your Questions About Disability Denials

Posted on: 2 November 2016

After all the time and work, it can be shocking to find your disability claim denied. There are many reasons why denial can occur, including a determination that your disability is only short term or that the disability office simply couldn't get in touch with you. The following can help answer your questions on a denial so that you know what to do going forward. Can you appeal any type of disability denial? [Read More]

3 Smart Strategies For Fighting A Traffic Ticket

Posted on: 2 November 2016

Paying a traffic ticket may seem like the fastest and easiest way to get it out of your way, but things aren't always that simple. A moving violation comes with more than just a fine – it comes with points on your license that add up over time and can raise your insurance rates and even result in suspension of your license if you get too many. In the long run, fighting the ticket may be the less costly option. [Read More]

What To Do If You Are Notified Your Wages Are Going To Be Garnished

Posted on: 2 November 2016

If you recently received a judgement letter from a creditor indicating that they are going to start the process of having your wages garnished in an attempt to collect an unpaid debt, you are undoubtedly upset about the situation. There are a few steps you can take to try stopping this process from occurring in an attempt to retain the same amount of your regular paycheck as you have been. Here are some tips you can use in an attempt to stop a garnishment process. [Read More]